Nicole Luiken wrote her first book at age 13 and was published while still in high school.
She is the author of fourteen SF and fantasy books for young adults, including Violet Eyes and its sequels, Frost, Dreamfire, Dreamline, and the Otherselves trilogy. Her latest release is Feral.
Nicole lives with her family in Edmonton. It is physically impossible for her to go more than three days in a row without writing. http://nicoleluiken.com/
Nicole is currently a non-touring member with YABS. Please inquire if you’d like to contact Nicole directly for private bookings.
Nicole Luiken talks about how she wrote her first book at age 13 and was published while still in high school, plus other anecdotes, followed by a reading from one of her novels and a question and answer session.
Length is adjustable, anywhere from 15 to 75 minutes.
Audience: grades 5 and up
Length: 45 minutes to 75 minutes, adjustable
Grab Your Reader by the Ear and Don’t Let Go (or How to Write Interesting Beginnings):
Learn about the importance of titles, how to write an interesting beginning, and how fiction uses the five W’s differently. Student exercises included.
Faeries, Vampires and Werewolves, Oh My
Learn how to create an interesting fantasy world and people it with magical being and creatures. Student exercises included.
Transforming Coal Into Diamonds
Learn the all-important skills of editing, revising and rewriting. Start at the story level, not the sentence level. Student exercises included.
Be Mean to Your Main Character
Discover why being mean to your main character can help create both reader sympathy and exciting action scenes. Student exercises included.
Out of print:
Unlocking the Doors. Scholastic: Toronto, 1988.
Escape to the Overworld. Treefrog Press: Edmonton, 1988.
The Catalyst. Treefrog Press: Edmonton, 1989.
Frost. Great Plains Publications: Winnipeg, 2007.
Awards & Nominations: Golden Eagle Children’s Choice Award, 2008, Red Maple Honour Book 2009, Stellar Award Nominee, Sunburst Award Honourable Mention, CCBC Our Choice selection 2008
Dreamfire. Great Plains Publications: Winnipeg, 2009.
Awards & Nominations: Calgary Public Library Foundation Literary Award finalist, Moonbeam Gold-medal 2010, Stellar Award Nominee, Golden Eagle Children’s Choice Award Runnerup
Dreamline. Great Plains Publications: Winnipeg, 2011.
Awards & Nominations: Finalist Monica Hughes Science Fiction and Fantasy (CCBC)
Violet Eyes Series:
Violet Eyes. Simon & Schuster: New York, 2001.
Awards & Nominations: Golden Eagle Children’s Choice Book Award
Silver Eyes. Simon & Schuster: New York, 2001.
Angel Eyes. Smashwords, 2013.
Golden Eyes. Smashwords, 2016.
Otherselves trilogy:
Through Fire & Sea. Entangled Teen: Colorado, 2015.
Amid Wind & Stone. Entangled Teen: Colorado, 2016.
In Truth & Ashes. Entangled Teen: Colorado, 2017.
Feral. Great Plains Publications: Winnipeg, 2019.